Conversion Calculators

Conversion Calculators

Inches to Millimeters

This calculator is handy when you need to convert inches to millimeters for measurements. 1 inch = 25.4 millimeters

Millimeters to Inches

This calculator is handy when you need to convert millimeters to inches for a measurement.

Feet to Meters

This calculator is handy when you need to convert feet to meters for a measurement.

Meters to Feet

This calculator is handy when you need to convert meters to feet for a measurement

Miles to Kilometers

This calculator is handy when you need to convert miles to kilometers for a measurement.

Kilometers to Miles

This calculator is handy when you need to convert kilometers to miles.

Cubic in. to Cubic cm.

This calculator is handy when you need to convert cubic inches to cubic centimeters.

Cubic cm. to Cubic in.

This calculator is handy when you need to convert cubic centimeters to cubic inches.

Pints to Liters

This calculator is handy when you need to convert pints to liters.

Liters to Pints

This calculator is handy when you need to convert liters to pints.

Quarts to Liters

This calculator is handy when you need to convert quarts to liters.

Liters to Quarts

This calculator is handy when you need to convert liters to quarts.

Gallons to Liters

This calculator is handy when you need to convert gallons to liters.

Liters to Gallons

This calculator is handy when you need to convert liters to gallons.

Ounces to Grams

This calculator is handy when you need to convert ounces to grams.

Grams to Ounces

This calculator is handy when you need to convert grams to ounces.

Pounds to Kilograms

This calculator is handy when you need to convert pounds to kilograms.

Kilograms to Pounds

This calculator is handy when you need to convert kilograms to pounds.

Ounces-force to Newtons

This calculator is handy when you need to convert ounces of force to newtons.

Newtons to Ounces-force

This calculator is handy when you need to convert ounces-force to newtons.

Pounds-force to Newtons

This calculator is handy when you need to convert pounds of force to newtons.

Newtons to Pounds-force

This calculator is handy when you need to convert newtons to pounds of force.

Newtons to Kilograms-force

This calculator is handy when you need to convert newtons to kilograms of force.

Kilograms-force to Newtons

This calculator is handy when you need to convert kilograms-force to Newtons.

Pounds per square in. to Kilograms per square

This calculator is handy when you need to convert pressure pounds per square inch to kilograms per square centimeter.

Kilograms per square cm. to Pounds per square

This calculator is handy when you need to convert pressure kilograms per square centimeter to pounds per square inch.

Pounds per square in. to Atmospheres

This calculator is handy when you need to convert pressure pounds per square inch into atmospheres.

Atmospheres to Pounds per square in.

This calculator is handy when you need to convert pressure atmospheres to pounds per square inch.

Pounds per square in. to Bars

This calculator is handy when you need to convert pressure pounds per square inch to bars.

Bars to Pounds per square in.

This calculator is handy when you need to convert bars to pounds per square inch.

Pounds per square in. to Kilopascals

This calculator is handy when you need to convert pounds per square inch to kilopascals.

Kilopascals to Pounds per square in.

This calculator is handy when you need to convert kilopascals to pounds per square in.

Kilopascals to Kilograms per square cm.

This calculator is handy when you need to convert kilopascals to kilograms per square centimeter.

Kilograms per square cm. to Kilopascals

This calculator is handy when you need to convert kilograms per square centimeter to kilopascals.

Pounds-force in. to Kilograms-force cm.

This calculator is handy when you need to convert pounds-force inches to kilograms-force centimeters.

Kilograms-force cm. to Pounds-force in.

This calculator is handy when you need to convert kilograms-force centimeters to pounds-force in.

Pounds-force in. to Newtons

This calculator is handy when you need to convert pounds-force inches to newtons.

Newtons to Pounds-force in.

This calculator is handy when you need to convert newtons to pounds-force in.

Pounds-force in. to Pounds-force ft.

This calculator is handy when you need to convert pounds-force in. to pounds-force feet.

Pounds-force ft. to Pounds-force in.

This calculator is handy when you need to convert pounds-force feet to pounds-force inches.

Pounds-force ft to Kilograms-force m.

This calculator is handy when you need to convert pounds-force feet to kilograms-force meters.

Kilograms-force m. to Pounds-force ft.

This calculator is handy when you need to convert kilograms-force meters to pounds-force feet.

Pounds-force ft. to Newton m.

This calculator is handy when you need to convert pounds-force feet to newton meters.

Newton m. to Pounds-force ft.

This calculator is handy when you need to convert newton meters to pounds-force feet.

Newton m to Kilograms-force m.

This calculator is handy when you need to convert newton meters to kilograms-force m.

Kilograms-force m. to Newtons

This calculator is handy when you need to convert kilograms-force meters to newtons.

Horsepower to Watts

This calculator is handy when you need to convert horsepower to watts.

Watts to Horsepower

This calculator is handy when you need to convert watts to horsepower.


This calculator is handy when you need to convert miles per hour to kilometers per hour.


This calculator is handy when you need to convert kilometers per hour to miles per hour.


This calculator is handy when you need to convert miles per gallon to kilometers per liter.


This calculator is handy when you need to convert kilometers per liter to miles per gallon.

Fahrenheit to Celcius

This calculator is handy when you need to convert temperatures fahrenheit to celcius

Celcius to Fahrenheit

This calculator is handy when you need to convert temperature celcius to fahrenheit.