Well I can go outside and drive it to a destination, that's good enough.
Shaved, 4-runner front end, LED tails, suicidedoors. 3 inch body drop.
Civic buckets. 4-runner dome light, cig lighter, ash tray. soon to be glassed dash, console
JVC deck, cerwin vega speakers, fiberglas kicks, and 10" sony pushed by phoenix gold amp.
Slams up front with aim spindles. S.D. 4-link out back with bags on lower bars. Air Zenith and York with 8 gallon tank. 1/2" Danz and SMC valves.
Rockin some 16" Mazda 3's
In need of new bed to cut up.
Redo frame in back, new smooth floor bed, and finally get headlights for my 4-runner grill I've got. Repaint lighter blue. Interior? Wheels?