1st Lowdown Showdown, 1st Toppin it all Off, 1st Slamboree
For Sale E-mail Coy21k@hotmail.com for Info http://www.streetsourcemag.com/issues/7-2002/Images/lowdown/MVC-022S.JPG http://www.streetsourcemag.com/issues/4-2002/Images/lawton/MVC-156S.JPG http://www.streetsourcemag.com/issues/4-2002/Images/lawton/MV
White and Green Tribals
Smoothed and painted with silver snakeskin
Pioneer 7200 Memphis 1000d and 1 Digital Design 15" sub
14" Whiplash and 3" Body Lift
39.5 Super swamper Boggers 16.5x12 weld typhoons