Thank you thank you... I want to thank the big JC, my parents, family and all my friends who supported me. All my fans... If it wasn't for your support I wouldn't be up here right now. And whatever happens don't let anyone tell you that it can't be don
Fuel cell using the stock sending unit, Brake booster change, intake, flowmaster exhaust, and a couple others...
Body work is done... Now I just need to spray it... Shaved door handles, emblems, gas door, antenna, Full rear skin wo/ the bodylines between the taillights, Moved the front bumper up closer to the grill/headlight housing, probably more that I'm forget'n.
I don't know exactly when I stopped brushing my teeth before bed. I know it was before I met Squid Squeegie though. We met in an empty church. He danced on top of the alter and smiled. The tarter weighed down my mouth, making it difficult to return Squeeg
Believe it or not Squid Squeegie is a techno fan. After powdering our faces in the bathroom, Squid threw up a Sandstorm beat-box, and tied mini glow sticks to my leg hairs. Squeegie twirled those glow sticks like I've never seen. He had eight sticks (on
BYC control arms, 4 link with the airbags on the bars, Slams all around, Z-ed the frame clip, Boxed in frame, Bodydroped, Rebuilt the crossmemebers, changed the brake booster and a couple others to make the beast lay out... Will lay out on 22"s in the rea
Some Black wheels... or Polished wheels...
I've come to the realization that this will never be done... So I'm gonna sell it and buy a house!