5.2 318. Valve covers and intake panted to match, jet stage 2 chip, mopar pcm, intake manifold from 360, crane cam, tb spacer, holly throttle body
street scene mirrors, Cowl induction hood, handles panted to match fbi smoth roll pan, freched license plate box
door panels cut for speakers,custom center console, custom wall for subs
Pioner headunit,Acostic crossover, Lanzer in dash screen,4 Mb quarts tweeters,4 Mb quarts 6 1/2s, 2 JL 5 1/4, 6 JL 12in W3s in ported wall taking up ext cab, 2 audio art 100wattHC amp for subs, 1 50wattHC audio art amp for highs
Bagged Extreme 450's Firestone Bags 2500s up front 2600s in the back Suicide doors bridge kit
17in centerline
Body drop, Thunderbird IRS, Ragtop, 20s and 22in combo, shave evrything and paint