3rd place dustoff01, best suspension dustoff01, 1st place TIAO 02, 2nd place Slamboree 02
UPD, Intake, Exhaust, Billet Oil Cap, Hose Techniques silicone hoses, Polished AEM plug cover
Billet Grilles, Shaved Trunk, Shaved Wipers, Shaved Antennae
Tan leather and tweed. Billet E-brake, Billet Gauge trim, Billet A/C knobs.
JVC Aluminum MP3 player, set of crystal components in front doors. 2-12" xtant subs.
Rear: Oneoff custom lowercontrol arms, frame/unibody is notched for upper control arm clearance, new shock mounts, stock fenderwells cut out and new ones welded in, Slam Specialties RS-52 bags, Modified rear crossmember. Front: Easystreet airstrut bags th
18inch Kazera Chrome Wheels
Finish it, hope to debut at Dustoff 05.