
droppedmitsu's 1989 Mitsubishi Mighty Max 4 view(s) today

Mazdarattti   +1y
So if I wished to do this is be OK with the same one they have hooked up to the g54b?
droppedmitsu   +1y
@mazdaratti no the g54b is a wideblock motor while the 4g63t and the g63b(which is what the km132 tranny comes from) are narrowblock motors. You need a narrowblock transmission which only came behind the 2.0l g63b
Mazdarattti   +1y
Which is in which trucks?
droppedmitsu   +1y
@mazdaratti 89 and older Mitsubishi Mighty Maxs/Dodge Ram50s
Mazdarattti   +1y
Awesome, supposedly rx 7 transmissions match up
samjr.burrell707   +1y