350/tbi 700r4 transmission w/ corvette servo 14 bolt rear-end Flow-tech Headers, Mangna-flow muffler r.i.p.
Custom rollpan, no more nasty body line doors shaved the Factory smoothie front bumber shaved/shortend 3 1/2 in. shaved front sidemarkers 1959 caddy (bullet) taillights Second gen chevy HEADLIGHTS r.i.p.
stock from a couple diff cars? r.i.p.
Kennwood 789 2/6.5" pioneer 4-ways 2 blaupunkt 6 x 9 8" touch screen in the center console (console in the worx) Playin it OLD Skool with the N64 and a dvd player oh yeah a laptop... yeah the subs are 2 JLW1's 13.5" and I'm running a 50
5/5 drop FR-coils, spindle BK-flip kit r.i.p.
15" alloys 22+ billet " r.i.p.
lay out and spark full length rag top already got da bag shit just need to do it and the links for the back anyone who would like to sell, trade or Give some?????? Working on the center consoles. working on the back body work. BIG PLans FOR THAT. s