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General Discussion \  new to the truck scene

new to the truck scene

General Discussion
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gixxer750   +1y
Hey guys, been lurking the last couple days and thought I would register and post up.

I have recently been considering getting a dually. Used to have a Nissan back in the day. That was high tech, loosened torsion bars and blocks in the back Traded that for the family mobile, Caravan. WooHoo.

Anyway, I was recently looking on for a nice ruck and I ran across some sweet duallies. So now I want one

I have tons of questions but I'll keep it short here

Does bagging the truck lower its towing capabilities? Right now I got a 20 foot enclosed trailer but want to keep my options open in the future. (no, i dont tow it with the crapavan, my soccer mom wife has an expedition)

My biggest fear is gas/diesel. Am I going to need to buy a gas station? Is diesel more efficient?

Oh, one more thing. How old is everyone? I am 31 and she tells me I am being ghetto like for wanting some of those custom painted/bagged/lowered trucks? (I had my Nissan lowrider when she met me, go figure?) I thought as you got older, your toys got bigger?

Guess I'll go and lurk some more and see what I can learn.
pig rig   +1y
tell your wife that have'n a big toy will help keep you out of the bars and strip clubs
I'm 39 and still that kid looking for the newest hotwheel
krewzlo   +1y
Hey welcome to the site! I am 27 and have a body dropped crew cab dually and a body dropped 85 S10. I tow a 10,000 lb 31 ft travel trailer behind my dually and it doesn't miss a beat. It rides great too. NO you ain't ghetto for wanting a lowered truck. Unless you lift it to put huge wheels on it. The big wheels look good but looks much better on a lowered vehicle. My 00 dually has the 454 big block gas motor in it and gets around 12 mpg empty and 10 or less towing. Gotta pay to play and unfortunately the gas company gets to play even more with my small fortune I pay them.

Oh yeah when you get older hopefully you just get more toys! Luckily I have a very understanding wife that lets me buy whatever and she loves body dropped trucks too.
maz89   +1y
I'm 23 yrs. old. I own a bagged 2000 crew cab dually and a 84 S-10 stockfloored to the door. I'm not married, and couldn't get a girl even if I paid for her. I've posted it once and I'll post it again.....
Growing old is inevitable, Grow up is optional. Put it this way, I'm slowly losing my dad to cancer and he has a 33 Ford Vicky in our shop that's hardly ever been touched..... and I fear that I will never see the day that I can follow him down the street in my S-10 and him in is car, done, and just enjoying it. True, wife and kids should always be put first, but never past up the chance to live by building the things that people like us call dreams come true.......... O and welcome to the site.
low95xlt   +1y
hahaha me 26, engaged and she still bitchs bought me and my toys yet she helps pay for mods, damn switch happy fiance, but i got a bagged/stockfloored 3500 soon tehe, traditional bd 95 ranger, and 4/6 lowered ram ext cab long bed . yes marry a gas station it will be your friend, as far as towing mine is being stockfloored wit all intentions of towing a 32 ft tow beind whiledraggin as longas it is built with towing in mind it will be fine as dragnasty myself, lockoneanyone if built right its fine yea as you grow up the toys get bigger and more expensive you just have to balance family responsibilities and truck never puttruck over family trucks come and go family and dualyscene are forever LOL
onefasthoagie   +1y
i is 25 have a currently static dropped (6 front 8 rear) 88 chevy dually 454 ext cab (new style).. ailso have a lowered 4x4 blazer / jimmy plus a 03 cbr 600rr. your never too old to get into the truckin scene. i wish i would have discovered this site before i went out on my own and started doing mods to my truck. i'd trust the advice 100% i get from here and you should too. i'm going to bag my truck as soon as i get the money and around to it. as far as a girl is concerened i havn't found one yet that is worth my time, and it's alot easier to afford stuff if you don't have one! though hookers can get oh yea, welcome to the site!
pig rig   +1y

nicely put
thats one of the reason why my 63 corvett is still in my dads garage its the only car that he likes that I've brought home and he like to drive it
lockone   +1y
Welcome to the site...I am 23 and buy every toy I can get my hands on. Bagging a truck helps the towing capacity to an extent. Between gas and diesel we have gotten more milage out of diesels than gas. Have fun with it.
nicechad   +1y
I think I am in the same boat as you. I am 33, and used to have a dropped toyota (torsions and blocks, convertible-old school), the first slammed Astro in town, an 81 Chevy FS SB dropped. Then I got a Jeep Wrangler, got the girl, got the kids, got a house, and never been back in a lowered truck since then. Priorities, ya know?

Unfortunately i have found a new addiction at this site, and am reading and posting to learn all I can about my hopeful next purchase of a crew cab, and maybe a dually. I just ran the ad to sell my 97 F150 a few minutes ago, and the other F150, a 93 is not far behind it. Gotta sell my wife's 99 Galant, and get her into her next toy, an expedition, and then hopefully I will be set to get into a big truck.

My only saving grace in turning over cars and trucks all the time is that my uncle is a used car dealer and I buy trade-ins from him, as well as auction cars and salvage rebuilds. Not enough time in the day!

If you want a dually, go for it! Do your research and do not have any unrealistic expectations (like decent gas mileage) and it will all work out. Make a plan and decide how to get there.
Good luck!
jcampbell1180   +1y

JEEZE!!! YOU'RE 39!!! You friggin old-ass geezer!!!


26 yr. old.

Trucks and cars I've rocked in the past: Air-shocked (old school, baby) 87 mazda, Static slammed '79 C-10, '87 C-30 on a 5"-8" (still got it), '93 RCSB Chevy rockin' a 5"-8", and a short stint in a blown '89 five point oh dropped on 17" Cobras. THAT was a fast car.

Currently: The wifes got a (gasp) stock Astro (she just doesn't get it), I'm driving a sweet '97 Tarus till I get around to pulling the motor out of the C-30. Or I may just sell it and buy a 93-94 C-3500. Not sure yet. I'm in no hurry with gas prices being the way they are.