Does anybody know how to remove the door panels off I have a special tool to use but I want to know exactly how to remove them. If anybody could explainit to me or know anywhere I could get instructions on how to do this Thanks
if its all power windows then there is clips that pop into the metal and are connected all around the beackside of the panel snap those loose but first remove the handle bezel around the door handle there is like 3 clips use a flat head screw driver slide it in where the clips are they will come loose then pull the triangle piece were the mirror is off its cliped on the same way as the door panel then unhook the wiring push up on the panel and it slides out from around where the window is then its off. if the windows are cranks then i dunno about that part.
yeah it is fairly easy to remove the door panels but i know when i took mine off i messed the clips that you pull out youll see what im talkin bout when you do it. but you can buy these clips to replace them at an advanced auto or an autozone
thanks i bought the clips already i havent started i think im gunna take then doors apart tomorrow, gotta put new speakers in, and i dont have an autozone anyways i live in Canada