I have sirius in my 99 Dakota.
Pros: Pick a genre of music and away you go commercial free. I'm a metal head and I'm happy with the stations and format.
Cons: Drop out signals sometimes, and there's no buildings and/or mountains blocking the signal. Another issue I have with Sirius is when you prepay for an extended time, They dont give you a heads up when the bill is due. They just auto debit your account without telling you. Yes, Ive called customer support on this and they just give you lip service. Others have complained about the same thing.
I have the Sportster reciever along with a FM modulator to transmit the signal to the head unit. I also have the best antenna they offer in an effort to help the drop outs. But that didn't work. Oh well! You'll hear others say XM and Sirius are very similar. IMO, they are. It just boils down to personal preference. Good luck and crank it up loud.