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General Discussion \  new guy from kentucky

new guy from kentucky

General Discussion
views 4780
replies 20
following 12
beefy1979   +1y
hey whats up, im new here. from the good ole state of kentucky. getting back into the truck scene and in the market for a dually and found this place. from what i have been reading you guys are some cool mofo's.
pig rig   +1y
I don't know about being cool but we are a bunch of smart asses

go talk to that one guy that lives in tennessee he has a lot of duallys his name is tom ,travis ,tim or maybe its trevor. hell I don't know but he has a hell of a collection of porn. the shop name is something like tennessee wheel

oh yea what part of KY you from?
beefy1979   +1y
im from somerset. good old lake cumberland.
liljlowrider   +1y
welcome to the site man... and yea THEY can be smart ass sometimes but dont pay them any mind!
beefy1979   +1y
its ok, i can hang. (at least my wife says i can) calls me one all the time.
low95xlt   +1y
welcome man and u say cumberland huh? i ussed to know a guy up here in Michigan that had a cumberland customs sticker on his blazer
beefy1979   +1y
i would say that wasnt from here. its a pretty small place and i have never heard of it.
low95xlt   +1y
got ya worth a shot LOL
balcar   +1y
lots of rednecks there?
beefy1979   +1y
somerset really isnt that bad, but the surounding citys have alot. i guess you could say that the county as a whole has alot.

and whats wrong with rednecks?! lol