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General Discussion \  New guy from Michigan

New guy from Michigan

General Discussion
views 18022
replies 89
following 16
low95xlt   +1y
hell yea we got another northner boyz
welcome to the site man, fellow michigander here jsut north of you in northville, but the truck is down in Tn for a lil while longer glad to see u found us and yea we are a bunch of smart asses jsut look at some of the topics LOL
1fastlx   +1y
hey welcome to the DS you'll fit in fine around here
bowtiecowboy   +1y
Thanks low95...i kinda picked up on that smart ass seems to be a common theme here.
low95xlt   +1y
yea and it mostly started with the southern boys aka lock and 1 fast and can't forget campy
dropemlow   +1y
dude bowtie jsu bagg it you can trailer shit with a bagged truck and they look mean layed out with a trailer
bowtiecowboy   +1y
yeah you gotta have a sense of humor to survive these days...either that or a 7,000 pound truck to run em over when they piss you off. I'm lucky...i got both. My neighbor in my apartment complex took up two parking spots the other day and i had to park 50 yards away so i got out my tow strap and left it on the hood of his car with a note on it sayin "please return this to the guy in apartment #101." He knocked on my door thinkin someone had borrowed it from me and was returning it and put it on the wrong car hood. I told him, no thats what im gonna use to drag ur Hyundai to the back of the complex next time you take up two parking spots. You've been warned.
low95xlt   +1y
thats some funny shit right there
lester622   +1y

ummmmmmmm i got a question how do u know u can tow with a bagged dually u dont even have a stock one .................
bowtiecowboy   +1y
dropemlow- if i customize it too much, my son will want it...thats my plan...keep it mostly stock so its not cool enough for him to drive...hope it works.
maz89   +1y
LOL, that's priceless!! you've got an A+ for the northern boys!