and your truck is laying flat rail, you modified the sump so it can. at the worst part your motor would stick out the hood around 2 inches...
I dont recommend dooring a truck with a traditional BD, combine a stock floor and a traditional and you will achieve the same result but with much more cab comfort...
If it is a 5-speed your going to need to move the clutch master over so it doesnt hit the wheel, and your going to need to move the brake booster over to make room for the clutch master.
As far as the engine goes if you have the 4cyl you shouldnt come out of the hood more than a few inches.
i have an 88 bd to the rocker but i havent cut the pinch off yet because the motor it has the bigger 4cylin it an has a bigger oil pan on it and it will drag unless you section the oil pan or raise the motor a lil.