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General Discussion \  Finally gonna introduce myself.

Finally gonna introduce myself.

General Discussion
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replies 13
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warpath   +1y
No was a life long dream to become a law enforcement officer, but my knee it said didnt like all the training, so i stuck with private industry security then moved to casino based. guess you could say made a career out of it, started when i was 17 and finally retired 4 years ago and started Surveillance work. (and im a little fat too.) Reason i wore a Vest to work everyday was we had a small scuffle with some SoCal Gang members and for some reason they didnt like the fact we bounced a homie off the security truck, maybe if he wasnt so tuff and listened when they told him to look both ways when running from folks and trying to cross the street.

well priorities are two little girls and a boy currently so when the oldest dumped the digital in the tub as a toy i havent replaced it. Besides the truck is just sitting waiting for me to do some repairs to the fiberglass fenders and finish the prep work for paint. Ill post some pics of the past rides i have built and owned.
paul42   +1y
Welcome man!
watahyahknow   +1y
welcome as a person ..... as a law inforcement person im not so sure unless you have the abillity to make some outstanding tickets dissapear
jcampbell1180   +1y
^^^Doesn't even live in America.