i just recently stock floored my 4.2 f-150, and in the process i had taken the cab off. i have connected everything back once i put the motor back on and when i connect the battery u can hear relays clickon on the inside of the truck, kinda like if my hazard lights were on. the radio plays...but when u press the clutch in and turn the key to get the motor to spin it gets quiet as if there were no battery connected. i checked over everything a couple different times.....any suggestions? thanx!
it IS a ground issue. . .mine is torn apart for a body drop and anytime i try to start it when i get that clicking noise and it is ALWAYS a ground for me. Sometimes it's one under the dash others its on the relay under the hood where the starter connects. Hope that helps.
GROUNDS GROUNDS GROUNDS, watch your grounds, cant stress that enough, they are a commonly misunderstood point of electronics, people usualy dont understand how important they are.
i keep checking the grounds and still nothing. i went over and over. today i noticed the theft light is flashing...and when i press teh hazard lights it makes a agggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh or maybe a eeeehhhhhhhhhhhhh noise. i did unplug the computer....but so did a friend of mine and his didnt do that. for now....im fucked!