Edited: 1/7/2006 9:06:01 AM by lowered1
True..sean recommended the VL to me many moons ago for my first brush...The VL has been around a long time and is still considered a common work horse...Though I was very disatisfied when Passche put out the Millennium... If your wanting a good but inexpensive brush that is in the same price range as the VL..The Vega 2000 by Thayer & Chandler, that I mentioned before is great fore begianers...I have sold many of them to people starting out and they have been happy with them. Another note about the Vega although you have to use the proper needle the tips are actually interchagable from the VL with the Vega...which can save a few cents here and there because the VL tips are a lil less in price to replace...Even though they(vega/T&C) are owned by Badger and I never liked many of there products a friend of mine uses the Badger Anthum...a more expensive brush but it to will go from a hair line to putting out some good volume if needed....To get that out of the VL I have seen many artist modify the VL by drilling it out for further travel in the needle...but you could always go with the VL/STPro...which has that already...paint picker caps are nice for tipdry...which ever you chose to go with remember when starting...to keep the air running when painting don't pop off the button (useing the air as a crutch) and start with many many dots and other drills that will teach you control.