to start you want to lay a peace of 2" tape on your pillars. Then put a mark on the tape evey inch. Fill in evey other block. Take a pic of your truck and blow it up. Then you can cut out blocks untill you get the look you want. then count how many blocks you cut out and that is how many inches you want to chop your truck. Next choose if you want to lean your pillars back or if you want to stretch and widen your roof. If you lay your pillars back it is cheaper and much easyer but I like the look of sectioning the roof. Choose which one you want to do and e-mail me @ and I will tell you all the steps to the one you choose because they are both very diff. and leanthy and complicated. Not something you want to try if you are a rookie. I have probably 2or3 rolls of fill of my chop on my yota i can e-mail you back.