I'm not trying to be a dick but... Open a damn magazine, any Mini Truckin, StreetTrucks, Sport Truck, Truckin, X Ten Trucks, have advertisements for hundreds of places that sell billet for any make and model of truck
does any1 make a a 94-97 s10 phantom that covers the corner lights and isnt obviously cut out for the billet? or will i have to make it or pay to have it made? and if so who should i talk to about building me one?
does any1 make a a 94-97 s10 phantom that covers the corner lights and isnt obviously cut out for the billet? or will i have to make it or pay to have it made? and if so who should i talk to about building me one?
ya kevin is righttry callin grant kustoms or somethinthey r the ish