Originally posted by 2bad4ya
Edited: 1/19/2006 8:42:18 PM by 2bad4ya
yeah if you have real bad places,=
steps:36 grit,bodywork,80grit,primer,120-180 grit,reprime,220-250 grit,reprime,280-300,reprime to see for high low spots,350-400 grit,primer surfacer,430-460 grit,primer sealer,sand 600-680 grit,basecoat 3-6 light coats(depending on how the look you want to achieve),sand/wet sand 700-900 grit,****depending if you want graphics or just 2 part paint****clear coat 4-5 light coats,wet sand 1300-2200 grit, buff,wax
Damn that's a lot of sanding and priming. The paint on my hood is all fucked because the clear starting coming off or something. More of the "cracked" effect I guess you could say. I want to strip my entire car and then make it nice as hell. Want the end result to be like glass. Want to be able to see the white of my teeth on the damn thing.