Originally posted by DougyFrisch
^^ U guys are for real argueing about the "best" way to do something in photoshop again? u guys spend too much time trying to argue then thinking about it, do u not realize there are so many damn ways to do the same thing and get the same results. as long as each one is done well they can all look equally good as another. So stop talkin about, "this is better to do this and that...." photoshop is all about preference, if your not comfortable with how your doing it then it won't come out right. just do it how u know and continue to tweek it a little bit to get better results, but u don't always have to change the whole process to get better results...
oh ya, and for the rendering.... pimp shit dude, but i'd recomend not throwing up a picture like that in the background. maybe as a suddle overlay but that's a bit much for soemthing that u didn't even draw. stealing parts from renderings is one thing, but stealing someone's hand drawn work... just don't fly with me either
Argueing? Don't jump in acting like you know everything, we were simply listing different ways and the advantages of each, I am well aware of the hundreds of ways of doing things, trust me...anyways the point is the guy obsiously needs a little touching up on his cutting out and we were just giving him some different ways of doing, so if you took it as argueing - you looked at it the wrong way!-rj