Originally posted by SYCOTIK
it was where i-680 meets i-80
hey i had the same shit happened to me on my 18's this past weekend, coming home from autorama on buisness 80 south bound right before the hwy99 and i-80 junction. i hit a rough ass section on freeway in the slow lane and it brokle my rim almost like yours, and bent 2 others. i called caltrans and they are sending me a claim fourmin the mail for me to fill out with an estimate to replace my rims and tires, 3 rims and 3 tires got bent. they seemed more than happy to help me out.. here are there claims #(530)741 4262 give them a call. oh in your estamate incluse the price of a wheel alignment cause if it broke/ bent your rim, you may have thrown your alignment off. best of luck to ya.