64 is pretty much the same, which is what i have. you can use 2600lbs bags on it no prob. it'll take some cutting up front to get them fit well, but the rear is simple. some of them have the wishbone out back, put a notch on the wishbone 2-3" is good and a 3" notch on the frame outback and you'll be golden. the cups should be the same size as on a caprice, but shorten the cups on the bottom down to about an inch high. tops should be about 3 inches, and do that to both front and rear. you may end up pulling the top cups back out and shortening them a bit too, but you won't actually know until you see how much lift you'll need (tire wheel combination etc). if you run out of travel in the front, then you'll have to start looking into relocating the balljoints. but, you should be just fine on a normal size wheel tire combo.