Originally posted by crochface
ohhhhh rj i didnt know who you were. my bad. you should have given me a buisness card. im bad with remembering names. after you said hi my friends were all who was that and i was like i dont know. =) this weekend was hectic we got into town around 2am i think and it was still to wet to drag. and then i was there at the show. there was a lot of people there i was suposed to get in touch with but i never did. one of our features never showed up cause of the rain and another feature left during the show because of the rain. and another feature left before i got a chance to talk to em. so we didnt film any features this weekend and on top of that i couldnt film during the rain so i didnt get much of the show.
no worries, I just can't wait to see mike's truck look like the rendering, does anyone know when he is scheduled to finish it?-rj