so yesterday i had to go to court for a invalid drivers license. fortunatley, the cop drop'ed the charges, because the officer saw taht i had getten my license back 3 days after he had cited me. but go fucking figure, my bad luck was deffinatley at its finest last night. i had taken my girl friend to the bank, and just pulled in, and i was a little bit over the line for the handicap parking spot. well a cop pulled in, and blocked me in so i couldnt do any thing. and tells me i am parked in the spot. and goes to his little mo ped, and comes back witha ticket that is literally 3.5' long and there are offenses for illegal display of front plate (i dont have any place to mount it on my truck) parking in a handi cap szone and no frobnt plate. in all the tickets add's up to a little opver 800 dollars.
i feel much better now