heres a tip that will make it hela easy. to do the bed cut the wheel wells all the way out and all the floor between them too so basically to the body moun tin the rear and the body mounts up front the front mounts for the bed are huge and you can just section 3 1/2" out of them and weld them back together and on the rear mounts cut the suport where it hits the framerail and lower the mounting tabs on the side of the frame rail. you never have to cut and reweld the floor but you do have to notch it for the drive shaft cuz it will hit. your gonna have to do the cab the same way every one else does but alot of people with isuzu's cut out that big indention on the back wall that runs all the way across and seems to be 3 1/2" wide. im only suggesting the bed idea if you already have a huge hoel cut in it like i do when i got mine bagged we ended up cutting that much floor out (why? i dont know but we did) and i recently saw that i could do the bed that way the other day i looked at it. but thats a bout all the help i could give you