try this bro. go to image-adjust-hue/saturation. select red from the drop down menu and move the lightness slider all the way to the right then click ok. if its not light enough for you. duplicate the layer in your layers palete then set it to screen in the drop down menu on the layers pallet. you can also adjust the opactity on that one if its too bright white. after that is done you can go to image-adjust-color balance and then add in some slight blue and cyan to your color to give it a bright white look. i suggest always duplicating your color layer then turning off the original red one so u still have it incase u go to far and need to go back to your red layer for anything. good luck.
i do it the same way robbie explained it. desaturate. adjust bright/contrast. multiply layers using screen and/or opacity. then slight color balance. white is the one of the hardest to get're gonna have to mess w/ it a little.