Collapsed Accord
Originally posted by SuperCharged6MT
Originally posted by SOINSANE
I dont think proof was so innocently killed,if you read the whole story it say's proof shot first,then someone capped him in the head.
That was sarcasm, rappers USUALLY do not get innocently killed...
But there are exceptions to every rule...
And for Josh, Robbie and I get along just fine, he isnt stickin up for me, only asking if you are truely imagining another guy sucking another guy or what.
Go ahead and start your "Who hates Robbie" thread, I'd enjoy seeing how many people who've met me hate me. I've done more with this scene than you will ever accomplish in life son... If you have anything further to say, you can email me or travel through my part of town and find me...
holy fuck bud u want to fight over some shit when u are the one in the wrong sounds tight man i cant wait for it bud yeaa u did more dude ur a fuckin cop eat a dick u dont have a truck no more u sold it ok so u got nuttin ok shut the fuck up