i got my 1st ticket for draggin about an hour ago, im so proud of myself other than the 128 dollar fine. but the cop worded the ticket perfectly. "while in motion vehical was operating hydrolics(airbags) causing truck to drag throwing sparks to ajacent cars in traffic. (sorry for the typos).
i didnt go out and find a cop to drag on, who is that stupid. i just got caught like most ppl do. either way u know uve got at least 1 ticket that u werent expecting
im hoping NOT to get a ticket for draggin. prolly wont drag unless at a drag session or show to be honest, i dont have the money to pay tickets. then again liability and antiques dont make insurance go up by any means
yea, and the shitty thing for you now, is that the cops will be looking for you to fuck up, its gonna end up sucking, but congrats on the ticket if it makes ya happy man.