excuse me for being an asshole. as for the rendering, the problem you are having with the flames is the resolution, i suggest going into illustrator and using a vector to create the pattern then bringing them into ps, that would help you out, the other reason they dont look real is the shadow, it is to dark and to broad, try making it smaller and less opaic, this would help get rid of the floating effect you have going on. on to the rims, the front looks nice and the rear looks very flat, you can fix this by creating a wider lip, which would give it more depth and would create more of a 3d looking wheel that feels ore natural, also stayaway from the black background under the car, it makes it look photohopped, try a realistic type ground or something that is a lighter color, black also makes it look like your rims dont have tires, and lastly on the explorer, get rid of the blue in the passenger side window and you also lost the fender line where the flame starts by the corner light, as for the impoprt car, its a nice attempt at airbrushing, with a little practice i see your work turning out great, the carbon looks very choppy and fake like, and lastly the grille over the intercooler really creates a flat look so i would lose that as well, however the body kit turned out descent and the side skirts look pretty good, the reason i dont like macs is because they cannot process high end 3d rendering/modeling packages, and also struggle with handling game engines such as unreal, oblivion, and so on, now maybe my opinion is biased because i am a game modeler and i desing levels for a liveing and only work on PC, probably because mac is not used in this industry but for simple video editing, thats about all they are used for,m if at all, so maybe next time i will say "fuck macs when it comes to the game/movie industry." lastly, thanks for allowing me to ellaborate on your comments, and yes i have used plenty of macintosh computers, all of which im sure have the most rescent and most advanced capabilities, which im not sure you have even used, so take it easy.