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Off-topic \  Chevron NETS 4 Billion!!!

Chevron NETS 4 Billion!!!

Off-topic General Discussions
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stockflooredsdime   +1y
Edited: 4/28/2006 10:38:54 PM by stockflooredsdime

Chevron nets 4 billion in the first quarter of this year.

Key word here is NET. This is how much they made AFTER costs and expenses from total revenue.

Estimated 49% increase from last year.
BAD_INC   +1y
While I am not a fan of $3/gallon gas, I am a fan of the American economy and way of life. Nobody was helping the oil company when oil was $11/barrel and everybody in Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana was sweating their job or had already lost it. So, if Chevron can make a $4 billion dollar profit GO CHEVRON. If you dont like it, dont buy gas, hop up on your ten toed pony and walk wherever you want to go.
NtotheIZZATEDOG   +1y
not a big fan of ponies, but I love the two-toed camel
stockflooredsdime   +1y
Edited: 4/29/2006 8:23:26 AM by stockflooredsdime

While I am not a fan of $3/gallon gas, I am a fan of the American economy and way of life. Nobody was helping the oil company when oil was $11/barrel and everybody in Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana was sweating their job or had already lost it. So, if Chevron can make a $4 billion dollar profit GO CHEVRON. If you dont like it, dont buy gas, hop up on your ten toed pony and walk wherever you want to go.

Wow, very intelligent.

Lets just sit back and let them charge whatever they want and not say anything about it. Pretty soon you will be paying a price that doesn
badfish57   +1y
well lets see Chevron owns the names of Texaco, Texaco/Havoline Inland Purchasing, Getty, Shell, Equallon, Equiva , Caltex/Unacal, LPG and all there subsidararies so If there at a proffit go them..More and more people are buying fule than in the past few years so there are going to be at a proffit, and they dont make it all on Gas alone the do more than just produce fule, because most of the oil in the US is not of quality to be refined into fules. most of that profit will go to the exploration for more recorces and production equiment, yeah some big ceos might get a lined pocket, but thats phucking business...
and if you wana bitch about gas prices bitch about the taxs on it, the oil companies make about 19cents of a gallon, and the Fed and local Goverments makes about 49cents off one gallon. Most ppls dont even have a damn clue of what it takes to get that one little gallon of shit from the grownd to your gas tank.
and as far as the economy goes Ive been around the oil filed all my life and so has my father. you come out to my part of the contry and i can show you towns that where full of people and jobs in the 70's and 80's and dried up gost towns in the 90's now there is another little boom going and the industry is kinda jumping back up a liilt bit I can go from Elk City Oklahoma to Amarillo Texas and count Oil Rig after Oil Rig for Miles, its like a never ending sea of them and there is alot of jobs and alot of familyis being fed and when the oil company is out exploring and drilling that help keep all the lil buissnes going that sale the products that they need to do there job, A little genie dosent just pop out of a lamp and make a oil location with tanks and shit, people have to build the drilling rigs or referbish old ones, and build the have to have bits made to drill with, pumps, pipes, cemicals, and mudd yes phucking drilling Mudd to lube the bits, frack tanks to hold the left over water and mudd, pipelines, meters, holding tanks ect ect ect.. so as long as the industry is making proffits thats more money that they toss out for the surveying amd exploration and drilling that Helps keep this part of the countrys economy going and growing.
Blackdod   +1y
The oil companys profits have risen 400% in the past five years. Yes your "oil field workers" ecomony may be booming, but it is killing the general economy of the united states. The fuel prices are driving the price of everything else up and the average americans wages are staying the same. Who the hell put our oil under those crazy bastards sand anyway?
jackson-vc   +1y
Edited: 4/29/2006 6:42:31 PM by jackson-vc

Originally posted by Blackdod

The oil companys profits have risen 400% in the past five years. Yes your "oil field workers" ecomony may be booming, but it is killing the general economy of the united states. The fuel prices are driving the price of everything else up and the average americans wages are staying the same. Who the hell put our oil under those crazy bastards sand anyway?

i just wish my wages would have stayed the same. because of shipping cost GM decided to pull out of my plant and take the jobs to mexico so it was closer to their plants in Texas. in order for us to keep our jobs we lost $2.46 per hour of our wages.
BAD_INC   +1y
Originally posted by Blackdod

The oil companys profits have risen 400% in the past five years. Yes your "oil field workers" ecomony may be booming, but it is killing the general economy of the united states. The fuel prices are driving the price of everything else up and the average americans wages are staying the same. Who the hell put our oil under those crazy bastards sand anyway? You may want to take a look at the economy as a whole. While YOUR personal economic situation may not be in good shape, the American economy is booming. These are great times to be trying to make a buck in the US. Sure, fuel prices are higher than we would like but our economy is rocking. If you listen to industry insiders at all, you will see that a large part of the fuel prices are related to emerging markets such as China. They predict 20 years from now that China in itself will be using as much oil as the entire world does today. I have seen some predictions of $200/barrel oil. Get ready because these ARE the good old days.
Blackdod   +1y
I know that the ecomomy is booming . I also know that there are many people out there who are way over their heads and living to the next paycheck. These gas prices are not helping them. I own a masonry company in North carolina and we do work from the mountains of north Carolina to the beaches of South Carolina. When I figure prices I have to include the fuel prices and hotel rooms. Others dont have that option. They make what they make and thats it.
dropped720   +1y
Originally posted by stockflooredsdime

Edited: 4/29/2006 8:23:26 AM by stockflooredsdime

While I am not a fan of $3/gallon gas, I am a fan of the American economy and way of life. Nobody was helping the oil company when oil was $11/barrel and everybody in Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana was sweating their job or had already lost it. So, if Chevron can make a $4 billion dollar profit GO CHEVRON. If you dont like it, dont buy gas, hop up on your ten toed pony and walk wherever you want to go.

Wow, very intelligent.

Lets just sit back and let them charge whatever they want and not say anything about it. Pretty soon you will be paying a price that doesn
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