Is it possible and not to much trouble to switch from a floor mount shifter to a columb (spelling) shifter in my garage or does it need to be done by a pro???
what's he's saying is, on the column, you got through about 2-3 linkages before you get to the tranny.. on a floor shift, you got 1.. its easier to bd and all of that with a floor shifter.
heres the thing i bought a lokar 23 inch tranny mount then realized i needed a floor mount but i already cut the other one up. i still need to order a column and was wondering if i could save some money ordering a column shift cause re-ordering the 23 inch shifter in a floor mount would cost about 100 bucks more and i could use that money somewhere else.
that's my dielima (spelling). what do you think i should do
P.S. i plan to put a tv in the center console so the column shift would get it out of the way of site
hey man you could always go to the jusnk yard and get a column from like an older 1500 chevy truck they have decently nice columns and a column shift. or a newer f150. either will work just make mounts and probably some universals in the shaft to connect to the steering box to the shaft. i hope this helps