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Chevy/GMC Trucks \  My new toy.

My new toy.

Chevy/GMC Trucks Make Specific
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clutch dust   +1y
The pics are huge and fuzzy, but it works. I'm sure one of you rich ass mo-fo's won't mmind using your super posting powers to post 'em up here, Thanks!!!
lkrayzie   +1y

there ya go
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lkrayzie   +1y
nice project by the way
clutch dust   +1y
Thanks, JP. You can't really tell, but it's a long bed. I would have preffered an ex-cab, but this thing was a steal!!!. I'm paying $350 for it, and the damn thing runs like new!!! About 130k on it, everything works but the brake booster. I couldn't ask for more!. Oh, and by the way, if anyone has some time, equipment, money, or services to donate, (maybe a membership upgrade), I'd greatly appreciate it and you'd get a spot in my feature!. I'm seriously broke and borderline homeless so anything helps. I'll post any and all progress, right down to a flat tire. Get me in the top 5!!!
lkrayzie   +1y
I may be able to help ya out, i got some of my front cups, got a round notch i didnt use on a customers dually, then maybe some rear bag mounts. ill see how much it costs to ship all the shit
mjavy7   +1y
Edited: 6/1/2006 9:07:51 PM by MJAVY7

man those are horrible pictures!! lol

but good luck with the new toy.
clutch dust   +1y
That would be awesome, man. Anything you can spare means alot to me. I've always had plans for all my cars, but I finally got something worth investing in. I appreciate everything.
clutch dust   +1y
Edited: 7/1/2006 2:31:28 AM by clutch dust

Holy Hell... it's time for a major update. I got kicked out of my place, got two raises at my job, but now I got my own place to pay for so there goes that money, and the god damn slave cylinder went out!!! I've got about five tweakers "working" on it, but they never fu**ing show up when I'm ready for them. Seriously, who the hell works on a truck at 3:30 in the morning in a gas station parking lot, which is where I work. I'm down to tear the bitch apart whenever, but they do about five minutes of work every other day, and expect me to hook them up with beer, cigs, even sleeping pills!!! Some people, damn!!!
detached   +1y
dude stop having tweekers work on your shit & do it yourself bro not trying to be a dick but this way you will know what is done & what needs done & be safer & they will be less likely to steal your shit later
fatboysS1O   +1y
dude ive got an 84 s10 that im bout to start parting out, ive got shaved fenders(corner lights and emblems),shaved doors(mirrors and door handles)and a shaved up tailgate(handle relocated and license plate frenched in the bottom left hand corner)so holler at me if ur interested! got to get rid of the thing one way or the other its takin up all my garage space. haha
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