time out - Caps DO serve a pourpose; storing energy for breif musical bursts. what does this mean? It means that a cap has a use in your car ONLY if you are concerned about SQ (sound quality) AND (this is a BIG and) if you charging system [alternator] is up to snuff.
for instance if you have a 300amp HO alternator and only a 1000w rms on bass, and on the loudest bass note your voltage stays at 13.8v or higher, then a cap would work. what does it do? It provides instantaneous voltage for the amp before the alternator can respond to the amp's need. This means that on say a loud kick drum hit, the amp wont be temporarily starved of voltage at the onset of the punch. Caps are only there to help soundquality IF your charging system is capable of supporting everything.
A cap WILL NOT rectify light dimming as a permanent solution...