Originally posted by maniacalmini
Edited: 6/10/2006 7:58:52 AM by maniacalmini
i know minitruckin gets a lot of money from their ad space, but they are perpetuating the problem. by running there ads they are saying that we trust this company so buy from them. even if they have a disclaimer (not sure if they do or not) thats says they dont specifically recommend them, some young, naive kid (i was him once) orders there stuff from them and bam another ripped off person. i think mini truckin should protect there new readers and drop AIM , i'm sure there are 10 other MT related businesses would love that space. thats my opinion, but what do i know. this is NOT hate on MT, i'll read that rag till i die, but AIM has to go!!!!
I totally agree with Jason. These magazines are here to help us minitruckers out. As long as AIM has been in buisness, you would think the editors would know what kind of buisness they run, and would be against running their adds. Maybe we can get Mike to do something about it. Surely he knows how crappy AIM is.