Hey Guys, Thanks for the props, I ain't worried about no haters thats for sure. Plenty of you guys around to make up for anybody that hates.....
Just so ya know, I did section the bumper for it to lay. But I have the bed full of system so I need to have all the room I can get so I didn't b/d the truck. I am as low as I am gonna go. I am floater and that is ok. So the bumper lays, not the rest of the truck.
I guess I can buy a bolt on kit and lay kit, like a ricer..... No I would still be lower that any ricer...I know I will put vertical doors on it. Ha ha , next mod verticals. oh yea
NOT !!!!!
I thought about painting the front end to match the truck, but thihs year I wanted it to have the look of a hummer and they are all black. I am re-thinking that, not a bad idea.
Thanks for the constructive criticism and all the props...