DJ Meltdown
mark thx alot i'll check it out, havent seen you or tim on the road since before the bodydrop, talked to tim back right before the bodydrop got started, anyways thx 4 the info.
joseph, i know exactly where your coming from about being picky my trucks been in and out of a couple of shops in town, it's pretty much trial and error. mostly error and tons of bondo! one of the main reasons the truck never got finished, too many people running around playing "pimp my ride". the rides and owners you've mentioned i've seen aorund and the work looks super clean, thanks appreciate it.
scenario - me: yeah i'm looking to bag my ranger, them: yeah we can do that.
me: 4 link, them: 4? link? why dont you run hydros.
me: nevermind.
or me: yeah they told me to talk to you about bagging a montero.
them: yeah what did want to run?
me: with a rundown of everything.
them: no problem. just need so much up front.
6 months later (after trying to help out a buddy get his truck bagged) driving out to the shop that is now boarded up, walking to the shop next door, hey i'm looking for ----- .
guy @ shop next door: hey we got another one- to coworker, sorry bro dude next door closed up shop. i can tell you where that fucker lives though.
then going to court and ending up w two firestone bags some bag mounts and a roll of airline.