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Body work and Paint \  what steps do i take

what steps do i take

Body work and Paint Q & A
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mitsu94   +1y
i want 2 take my truck 2 bare metal and primer it and i need 2 know what steps 2 take once i get it 2 bare metal. thing is it is going 2 stay in primer 4 a while and a guy told me if i took it 2 bare metal and left it in primer that it would rust through the primer in like seven weeks. and another guy told me that if i left it in primer that i would have 2 take it back 2 bare metal and reprime it be4 i could paint it. i need some one who knows what the hell there talkin about because i dont think the guys i talked 2 do.
Dragthatchit   +1y
U can start with a etching primer before u put some high build on it...if ur not doin body work initially. However, i think the best way to do it to use an epoxy primer over ur bare metal, no bodywork yet!!! Then when ur ready to work it, just rough up the epoxy with some 80grit and mud over that. We do that all the time on restorations and it works great. Sometimes weve got cars that are primed for 6-8 months in just epoxy before we actually get them totally ready to paint and complete!! Then once ur bodywork is complete just spray ur favorite @k primer over htat and go to town blocking for paint!!
Dragthatchit   +1y
Also, this may sound weird, but i truly think that the mud adheres better to the epoxy, when sanded right, then it does directly to bare metal, s I highly recommend this process if u want ur truck to last forever and not worry about rust forming in ur metal and comin through ur paint later
mtm   +1y
ryan sick truck man.
Dragthatchit   +1y
Originally posted by mtmcalli

ryan sick truck man.

thanx bro, i appreciate that alot!!!!
bodydropped85   +1y
y do you want to take it to the metal? it isnt neccsary unless you have a jillion coats of paint on it.
dssur   +1y
Originally posted by mtmcalli

ryan sick truck man.

careful ryan, he just wants you for sex

Dragthatchit   +1y
Originally posted by bagged85

y do you want to take it to the metal? it isnt neccsary unless you have a jillion coats of paint on it.

this is tru!!!
Dragthatchit   +1y
Edited: 6/20/2006 7:19:10 PM by Dragthatchit

Originally posted by Russ-D

Originally posted by mtmcalli

ryan sick truck man.

careful ryan, he just wants you for sex

Hey at least somebody does!!! LOL...u sick bastard!!!
mitsu94   +1y
Originally posted by bagged85

y do you want to take it to the metal? it isnt neccsary unless you have a jillion coats of paint on does have a jillion coats of paint on it plus i tried painting it my self not knowing what i was doin and now paint is chipin off in some places