What is the differance between a stock floor BD and the others? What major fab work would be involved to BD a 87 GMC crewcab dually? I've never done a BD before and want to learn as much as I can about them. Fabing stuff is not a problem, I do major collision repair for a living so I have all the tools and abilities.
Stock floor is where you moify the frame and use the full factory floor except for having the raise the tranny tunnel. Standard Bodydrop is where you actually cut the floor and drop the cab around it.
I like to refer to a sfbd as a frame drop, because on the last truck i sfbd'd, half the floor had to be modified. Basicly all you accomplish by doing a sfbd is you are keeping your seat, and dash in their relative locations.
stock floor is easier on a square bodies.....My dually has the full ractory floor except for the tranny tunnel, and i rised the rear section of the floor a bit so i could use the factory gas tanks......most stock floors still require the floor to be cut, but not all.....
You would think a sfbd would be less work, but you gotta re run and re do everything on the frame. But from what ive seen on the duallies there is very little floor modding to be done. Id say unless youre a tall guy or just want a meticulous detailed fab job, go traditional.