let me clairify what he was trying to say, lol.... Logo's should be something that catches someones eye, easy to reconize, and simple yet effective. Yours is what we consider a 'Type Face', not a logo. It's simply the combo of 2 well known fonts with a stroke. It's good for front of t-shirts, letter heads, etc. where an actual logo might not be practical due to size. Your going to want something that really stands out and 'brand' yourself with it. meaning whenever someone even takes a glance at your logo they automaticly know who it is just my it's shape, colors, and size. Just like in the old west when they used to brand cows, you could tell before you even got close to em who's cow they belonged too... hence the name lol... i could go on and on about logos and design, if you want some help go to a bookstore and go to the art section. There should be a bunch of books of nothing but logo ideas and the do's and don'ts... Just as a tip if your wanting to start into this stuff on your own.
oh ya, and on your first work, looks good. but don't get limited in your designs by useing nothing but brushes. I know you just starting but it's a bad habit to start out with, Just blowing up your design with 30 of the 500 brushes you have doesn't always make something look appealing. Same thing when people get first started and are hooked on filters, they just over use them and ruins one design after another. Remember, more is not always better..... have fun and hope i helped u out some, late