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Chevy/GMC Trucks \  truck dying please help

truck dying please help

Chevy/GMC Trucks Make Specific
views 140
replies 6
following 5
lilslay   +1y
ok so i can crank my truck and it will run for a few seconds then eventually idle down and die, someone told me i needed to adjust my timing, but how do i? please help
93blazer4dr   +1y
im not 100% sure but my truck done the same thing but it was cause my fuel pump went out not sure how to fix the timing
lilslay   +1y
no cuz as long as i drive it, or stay giving it gas it wont die, if i drive it a lil while it will idle alright, any other suggestions?
SiLveRProJecT   +1y
well damn....could be alot of things...but i would start with the fuel filter...if not could you have a vacum leak at the throttle body? iam not too sure about your years engine though but i know with the 96 sometimes the temp sensor will go bad and then will not run right till the truck is could check out forums for more help....or
Dragthatchit   +1y
Edited: 7/25/2006 3:48:30 PM by Dragthatchit

Im not sure what to say to help u out xactly, but i wouldnt think the timing would make it do things like what u described
lilslay   +1y
maybe its idled too low>?! idk this came up too, but i have no idea what tha fuck their talking about lol, any way to fix this problem?
Dragthatchit   +1y
id try and start simple, change ur fuel filter like someone already mentioned, u be surprised what kind of shit a dirty filter can cause. But man, i just cant say WTF would cause that for sure
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