Over on SSM a while ago, some dude was asking about anyone having any info on an S-10 that got its door kicked in at Reso. Long story short, the guy who did it fesses up, pays for the damage, and now a grip of these FOOLS who aren't even involved are threatening him. Talking about it not being over just because he paid for the damage. Thats exactly the reason I don't roll in clubs, or go to shows anymore. All these he-man assholes walking around, trying to act like bad asses, f#$king up the whole scene. Man, you guys can have it. I just build what I like, because I like it, and I just stick to my own buisiness. It's exactly this kind of crap really makes me think twice about getting my son involved. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't take him to any shows. I'd be to paranoid about some asshat trying to pull the billy-bad-ass routine. I don't think evryone in a club is looking to start trouble, but damn. This happened between two people, now its spreading between two clubs? Why can't everyone just stop trying to be sucha toughguy. Mabey I'm just getting old...