have u got anything done to the engine? head work? pullin a trailer a bunch? are u leakin fluid? is your radiator full? the only time i EVER had a problem is when the bearing in the front of my water pump went out. when the engine was runnin the water pump would leak fluid onto the engine and the heat from the block would evaporate the fluid and i'd run out of fluid every now and then, when the fluid got low, the engine would overheat. i have taken my thermostat out during the summer. its a waste in the summer.. a thermostat keeps yuour engine too hot in the summer. i drive mine everyday pullin a big trailer, i've got a triple core radiator and i take my thermostat out in the summer. 22RE's are bad about the engine bein too hot and detonating so takin out the thermostat actually helped my gas mileage and kept my engine temps in the cool all the time. im me or grop me an email. i got plenty more tips on 22RE's if the temp still stays up after u change the thermostat.