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Wheel Questions \  FWD or RWD


Wheel Questions Q & A
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replies 4
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wileypdf   +1y
What difference does it make to have a rim designed for a FWD or a RWD?
Low_SST   +1y
offset, fwd has a more positive offset then rwd.
dssur   +1y
offset. Offset is the position of the mounting surface in relation to the wheel centerline. So a 7 inch wide wheel with +42 mm offset means the mounting surface of the wheel is "offset" 42mm towards the front (outside) of the wheel measured from the wheels centerline.

RWD rims are usually low positive, 0 or negative offset.

FWD rims are high positive offset.

RWD = +15 , 0, or -15 offset on a 7 inch wide wheel.

FWD = + 35 , +40 , + 42 on a 7 inch wide wheel.
Low_SST   +1y
but if your asking this question you probably dont understand offset so ill clarify, offset is a measurement of the distance created by an imaginary plane that slices the wheel in half and a plane created by the flat mounting surface on the wheel itself.
wileypdf   +1y
thanks for your replies, I didn't know that it was as simple as the offset. I was about to assume that it had something to do with the stuctural design and not just the positioning of mounting point
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