I am trying to figure out how to go about this,iam wanting to put flames in my headliner,as like an outline ,i've heard of using twine for the outline but iam confused as hell,and when to spray it and let it tack up and such.help
closed cell foam.. lay it out, mark it, then mark another line how ever much of an outline you want.. cut it out.. spray your headline with 3m glue, attach the foam, then spray the foam and headliner again and start working your material down into it.
that is what they do for that too.. is that trace the flames, then say they want a 1/4" outline.. you cut out on both lines, leaving you just the 1/4" outline of the flames.. then lay it like normal.
some ppl using the hard plastic pippin you can get for your seats. that way its got a small round outline instead of the flatness of the foam.
I use 1/4" or 3/8 rope....draw the flames on the headliner, spray it w/ glue, trace your drawing w/ rope, glue backside of material, and lay it on, use your finger to go around the sides of the rope, and it should turn out fine....
nylon or polyester..j/k,thanks though man i thought that was the way be forgot for a moment,ok like at the ends just cut and trace right beside on however close you want the whip of the flame to be?right