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Photoshop \  <)=- New work - 01 Ford Ranger Edge=-(>

<)=- New work - 01 Ford Ranger Edge=-(>

Photoshop General Discussions
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Shaven   +1y
Edited: 8/26/2006 1:41:32 PM by LE Shaven

Edited: 8/25/2006 10:33:16 PM by LE Shaven

Edited: 8/25/2006 10:28:39 PM by LE Shaven

heres an unfinished rendering that i am doing...

purplekush   +1y
looks 100% airbrushed
Shaven   +1y
thanx... i think? the reason why is because the truck was almost completly primer and half different colors... and etc etc, prolly the worst pic i ever worked with. i still have alot to do to it though!
purplekush   +1y
all of your renderings look like that tho
Shaven   +1y
well i think i started doing my work this way b/c everybody was doing similar work some better then others.. but i was always told to do something different, be original so i guess i found my "niche" if you want to call it that.
BOYETT   +1y
Im digging it and im liking the new grille...the ONLY thing i would change are the lights...they look too real for the rest of the truck...
purplekush   +1y
you definately have your own style...
not comparing it to nicks work at all..but you have your own style.. like nick has his.. all nicks renderings are airbrushed heavily and super realistic looking most of the time
hands down that man owns the rendering industry
DougyFrisch   +1y
Originally posted by FarBeyondDriven

you definately have your own style... not comparing it to nicks work at all..but you have your own style.. like nick has his.. all nicks renderings are airbrushed heavily and super realistic looking most of the timehands down that man owns the rendering industry

he's just trying to ride behind nicks style and not doing a very good job of it. Take a look at most of nicks renderings, he's got that crazy ass white gradient reflection down the side. Only thing is that his looks natural and real, and Ben's looks like a cartoon. Nicks got a bad ass mix of vector renderings and real renderings mixed into one that gives his that own style. And i can see where Ben has been looking at them for too long and trying to mimic it now, and it's not working cause it's not easy. Note how your trying to "rehighlight" all the hot spots and the reflections, the same with your other renderings you tried it in your windows. But your lines are way too choppy and totally unatural. If you wanting to custom airbrush a rendering, trying adding more depth. don't just use the base color and then add some black and white for shadows and highlights. You need to add different shades of the base color to give it a more natural look, try shooting for about 3 shades of highlights and 3 shades of shadows and go from there....

Good luck, and yes, it looks like a cartoon with real headlights and wheels....
Shaven   +1y
lol shit, well im not copying anyone, i did study several renderings of diff companys but not at all trying to "mimic" anyone i do like the style nicks has alot over anyone but im not trying to do renderings like him at all why would I? and i been doing the full recoloring for a while now not leaving ANY of the original reflections at all... i make my own. .... ill post up the b4 pic of this truck.......
DougyFrisch   +1y
i didn't say you were trying to copy him, i just stated how you have obviously looked into different styles from different people. and your simply trying to use things you notice and work with it, it's what most people do when looking for ideas and help.

But yes, it really looks like a toon. and the original... i would have opt'd to get a new subject. i enjoy a challenge but come on, your just shooting yourself in the foot trying to start from a multicolor'd, primer, and low light photo..