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Off-topic \  Caprice at D.A. Drug Seized Auction

Caprice at D.A. Drug Seized Auction

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Enigma   +1y
Edited: 9/22/2006 5:43:04 PM by Enigma

Hey, who used to own this Caprice. I pulled up their profile and it said they sold it. I was at the District Attorney's Drug Seized Auction today and this bad boy sold for $8900 -- It was funny, the auction workers were playing with the air... and slamming the shit on the ground.. Dumb f*cks did not know what they were doing.. LOL Nice ride though... it now has a new home.. (No, I did not buy it)

trashed   +1y
it was on domination the video the owners name was jake mckiddie
KEG Media   +1y
Its Britts boyfriends car. I believe they are outa Oklahoma but he sold it awhile back.
phat phabrikationz   +1y
Ya it was my caprice. I watched it sell at the auction. I sold it 3 days after showfest 05. The guy I sold it to (assumed he was a drug dealer) got it seized a month after he got it. As for the fuck asses that were workin the bags... I wanted to punch in the neck. He was leavn the door open and crushin it on the ground leavn the trunk open tryin to hop it, rev'n the hell out of the motor. It was all I could do to not say anything. Some fat halfway crippled bitch came over and sat on the fuckin front bumper!
R.I.P. to the "Worlds Baddest Caprice"
phat phabrikationz   +1y
Hopefully it goes to fuckin Mexico!
draggin   +1y
Originally posted by SIRSCRAPEALOT

Hopefully it goes to fuckin Mexico!

thats where my truck will go if i ever sale it

bodydropped85   +1y
:BAWL: that thing was badass!!!
Definately a nice car. I stopped and looked at it for a while last year at Showfest.
dirty   +1y
its a shame that somebody that has no idea what goes into these cars and trucks would do such a thing to such a badass ride.

i would have slapped them sumbitches
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