I have a 97 ranger... I want to lower it but cant afford to spend a hell of a lot of money I heard The cheapest way was drop springs and to flip the shackle Is this true? and how would I do it if I wanted a 4-5 drop?? Do I need lowered beams??
need 3" droped i beams and 1" springs (front
flip kit for the rear.(places axle over leaf spring)i.e. drop=axle tube diam. 5"
vertically challenged s.e. MI. chapter prez.
sure ya can boone. and if you want you can just cut your springs. you wont pay any moeny, but your camber will be crazy, and it will ride like shiot.. but if you dont wanna pay any money. thats how we used to do it back in da day
spend the money and get some djm beams. had them on my daily for 2 years and the only reason i ever had bad tire wear after i aligned it was b/c of a balljoint wearing out.
i know when i bought my drop kit like 3 years ago i only paid 299 shipped for beams and flipkit. not sure how much they are now though.