That's what I'm sayin.
Punk-ass kids these days don't know what it's like to work hard.
Shit son, when I was your age, running four jobs at once was a slow week.
Try sitting on a backhoe trenching 680 feet, 4' deep on a slope then jumping in the trench and dumping in 680' of 4" conduit with only yourself and one laborer, in two days when it's a 110 outside. All the while your phone is ringing off the hook with a bunch of no-nothings that you have to remind to keep breathing.
Then you get a phone call that night that you have to be in Chico (6hr. drive) the next morning for a pre-con meeting at 9 am.
Typical M.O. when I was comin' up.
I paid my dues. Now I run fools from behind a desk in an air conditioned office while I dork off on D.S. all day.
My ass is a little bigger though.