Well, guess i'll start a post on all this crap also! haha Most people i feel here are cooler than hell, and sure to meet everyone someday. (at least if yall make it to the great state of texas, or going to be at sema) Like the people I work with, I tend to befriend everyone, and while I talk allot of crap, would be willing to share what I know, and do what I can to help anyone. Don't take my BSing as fact, its what it is, just BSing, thats all, etc. As far as post whoring, yes, but just cause I type fast, and have nothing else better to do at work, thats why yall only see me saturday/sunday nights. (I babysit big servers and do backups for the state of texas welfare department, and walmart, brookshire, and about 40 other companies) If I offend anyone (including baha), a big FU!, just kidding, sorry if I hurt anyones feelings, there yall got it, my appoligies.
I don't have time during the week normally, with running my shop, and raising a family, (teenagers take up ALLOT of time) I really don't thnk anyone here is gay, if you are, fine, I don't care, I have some gay friends, just don't tell anyone! I do think yall go overbored on posts, so yall need to stop it! haha I don't give a rats but about how many posts I have, yall get allot more than I can dream of during the week, haha. I would like to know what baha did with the pic of my grill I added to the gallery, and would like to see the gallery, chat and what erver modules these scene run to be more intergrated instead of it opening other windows, etc, If yall care about the site other than just makingi some $, spend some time on it, if yall need any help, I can donate some time, phpbb modules and such are easy to impliment, but I suggest changing it to a better CMS rather than just sticking with a PHPBB.
And if anyone come by the austin texas area, look me up, allways looking to talk dually stuff, or slam stuff, computer stuff, whatever. and i'll watch what I say here, it may just get boring again! haha
I wrote 2 much, i'm not proofing it!